Get Involved

Sponsor a Student

OSW students Isatta Tamba age 12 and Samuelyne Washington age 9 looking at books from the library.

For just $35 a month, you can sponsor a student and provide them with the funds needed to learn and grow in the classroom. Our students would be incredibly grateful for your support and contribution to their education!

Click the Donate button below and give what you can to help one or more students go to school this semester.

Sponsor a Project

Man painting fresh school symbols on the OSW fence

We want to resource our schools  with all the items we need to build a nurturing learning environment and need help supplying notebooks, chalk, paper, computers, and more! We’re looking for individuals willing to donate materials or give so that our staff can make purchases in Liberia.

Email me, Olive Massaquoi, or press the Donate link below and gift to our special projects such as building more student desks, expanding our classrooms and fence, orpurchasing school supplies!

Meet our Staff

               Bendu Karnley

 This is Bendu Karnley, affectionately  known as Sis Bendu. She is a mother of five, works diligently in the register office, and is the lead teacher of The Olivia S. Washington located in the city. When asked why she loves being a teacher, with no hesitation she replied, "I want to share my knowledge with the children!"  

Click below to donate to our school sponsorship opertunities and special projects.